Apr. 7/14

New Service Contracts need to be fill in and returned to Bay Distributors

In case you have not received an email from me, here is what was in the email


Good Morning;  Husqvarna is updating their service dealer database and has requested that we resign all of the current Poulan/WeedEater Master Service dealers.  Please find attached the new contract (Click here to open a printable version of HOPC Agreement 2014).  Please fill it in and either email it back to george@bwmarineproducts.com or fax it back to 1-800-752-5579.  Please try and have it back to me before April 25th as I have to send all the forms back before the end of the month.  The database will be turned over in early May and any contracts not received by the deadline will not make the initial upload to the dealer locator and the second upload does not have a schedule date.


In regards to the attached form please make sure that you print legibly and that you fill in your company name and sign at the bottom at the Service Dealer heading.  If you do not know your Poulan MSD account #s or Servicebench IDs, please leave them blank and we will look them up and fill them in before we send in your form.


In the Heading “Agreed Labour Rate”, please fill it in with you current shop labour rate. All rates will be reviewed by Husqvarna for approval. I cannot guarantee that they will raise your warranty labour charge to your shop rate, but it has been many years since the existing rate was applied, so this charge does need to be increased.


I have also attached a note (Click here to see the note) explaining a letter that has been sent out to many of the service dealers from Husqvarna Outdoor Products Canada.  We have been taking calls on this letter as it is quite long and confusing to the dealers, so hopefully the attached note will answer all of you questions.


 If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please give me a call or send me an email as the spring rush is right around the corner and we are striving to give you the best possible service that we can.


Take care - George